Do you have a concern about a relationship or personal issue? Write me and I will share my advice.

Do you have a concern about a relationship or personal issue? Write me and I will share my advice.

About Laura L. Ryan, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, A New Day Counseling Services

Hi! I have been a certified hypnotherapist for over ten years and also a Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. After Graduating from the University of Texas, I got my Master's Degree in Professional Counseling at Texas State University and I am currently a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in Austin, Texas. If you have a question about your personal life or relationships that you would like me to answer, please read the Disclaimer and then send an email to:, be sure to include the name that you would like me to use in my public response to your question to preserve your anonymity. I look forward to helping you! Sincerely, Laura
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1 Response to Do you have a concern about a relationship or personal issue? Write me and I will share my advice.

  1. jkmcadams says:

    Dear Laura,

    I tend to be a bit of a control freak. Nine times out of ten this is a good characteristic. My house stays clean and my closet stays organized. However, sometimes it gets out of hand. Just the other day my friend picked up a vase of mine that I really like. Suddenly, all I could think was that my friend might drop it and break it. Without consciously realizing it, I reached out and took the vase from my friend and set it back down on the table. My friend was shocked and called me out on the behavior. It was embarrassing to say the least. I don’t like it when my “controlling” behavior makes other people uncomfortable. Do you have any advice for me?

    Control ItAll

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